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5200 S Macadam Ave Suite 160

Portland OR 97239

1306 NW Hoyt St #411
Portland, OR 97209

(503) 248-1182

Naturopathic Medicine, Neurotherapy

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have questions about becoming a patient? dr. thomas provides an initial no-charge 15 minute consult to Oregon Residents. call, or click the envelope icon at the top of the page to email her practice. We look forward to talking with you.


Laboratory TESTING

Dr. Thomas practices functional naturopathic medicine to restore and promote health and prevent disease. Laboratory testing reveals where specific support is needed through biochemical markers and patterns.

Testing is used to address concerns such as

  • Gastrointestinal function

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Food intolerance

  • Thyroid and adrenal health… and more




Neurofeedback - Brain fitness and performnace

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive and scientifically-proven therapy that trains the brain to function more efficiently and helps heal many neurological and mental health conditions. Neurofeedback is used for issues of attention (ADD/ADHD), focus, memory, motivation, depression, anxiety, TBI, PTSD, sleep disorders, migraines, PMS, chronic pain, autism, and other conditions.




Applied Kinesiology - comprehensive healing

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a diagnostic and therapeutic modality originally developed in the field of chiropractic and is used by doctors around the world. The diagnostic principles are based in Traditional Chinese Medicine in which specific muscles of the body correlate with the function of specific organs or glands. By testing these muscles Dr. Thomas identifies the primary areas of dysfunction and applies the appropriate method of treatment. Treatment is individualized based on the needs of each person and aligns the structure of the body to improve and heal the musculo-skeletal system, organ and gland function, and mental and emotional health.




Nutrition & Digestive Health

Nutrition is the cornerstone of all health and healing. What we eat directly affects our digestive health, and greatly impacts every system of the body, including how we feel mentally and emotionally. Dr. Thomas is knowledgeable and passionate about the link between diet and health, with expertise in addressing a broad range of digestive issues including food sensitivities, irritable bowel syndrome, and celiac disease.