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5200 S Macadam Ave Suite 160

Portland OR 97239

1306 NW Hoyt St #411
Portland, OR 97209

(503) 248-1182

Naturopathic Medicine, Neurotherapy

Contact Us

Holistic Medicine

Dr. Thomas provides telemedicine consults, check-ins and energy healing for new and return patients - Oregon residents ONLY

Dr. Thomas sees patients safely in the office. Please call, email, or use the form below to inquire about becoming a new patient.

Dr. Thomas addresses your primary health concerns using a holistic multi-faceted approach. She creates a treatment plan specific for your physical, mental, and emotional health concerns, which may include nutrients, herbs, homeopathics, flower essences, and dietary changes. She may recommend lab testing. With your consent she also uses her training and experience in energy work to clear energies and repair disruptions that hinder health and vitality.

+ Primary focus areas (all ages) - mental/emotional, gastrointestinal, allergies, auto-immune, cognition and attention, colds/flu, chronic and recurring conditions, hormones, sleep, fatigue, pain, attention, memory, detoxification, weight optimization 

+ Dr. Thomas is passionate about helping people who want to explore the power of natural medicine to function well and live fully.

+ Call, email, or use the form below to inquire about telemedicine, in-office appts, and Dr. Thomas’s services.